Create Custom Workflow Activity in SharePoint 2010
This blog demonstrates how to build the custom workflow activity
in Visual Studio 2010 and use this workflow activity in SharePoint Designer
2010 as a custom action.
First you need to create the “Empty SharePoint Project”
in Visual Studio 2010.
Please provide the URL of the SharePoint Site where you want to
deploy the workflow. Also
make sure that you select the “Deploy Solution as a
farm solution”. Click next after that.
Before you begin you need to add the following reference to your
§ Microsoft.SharePoint.dll
§ Microsoft.Office.Workflow.Actions.dll
§ System.Workflow.ComponentModel.dll
There are two major steps to create a Custom action:
1. Add
a .class File
2. Add
WSS.actions file
Add a .class file
Add the new class to the solution and make sure that class is
public otherwise you will get the “protection level error”. Inherit the class
from Activity class. You must include using
System.Workflow.ComponentModel to resolve the “Activity”.
Now you need to create the dependency properties to access the
input given to the activity or to use the current library id and current item.
Dependency properties provide a centralized repository of a workflow’s
state.Dependency Property provide a mechanism that allows SharePoint Designer
to provide values for your custom action before you add your custom
To allow SharePoint Designer to pass values to your custom
action when the workflow runs, you must create public properties inside your
custom action.
The dependency properties can be created as:
/// <summary>
/// The dependency property for List ID.
/// </summary>
public static DependencyProperty __ListIdProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register(“__ListId”, typeof (string), typeof(CustomWFAction));
Here CustomWFAction is a class name that we have created.
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the list or library ID.
/// </summary>
public string __ListId
get {
return ((string)this.GetValue(CustomWFAction.__ListIdProperty));
set {this.SetValue(CustomWFAction.__ListIdProperty, value); }
This property will provide you the current list or library id as
a Guid on which workflow is running on. In the similar you can create required
dependency properties and get/set their values. You can create a dependency
property for Workflow Context, List litem id or any specific input that will be
given to the workflow activity.
Now we are ready with the inputs to access the list or library
with the current item ID on which workflow is running and the current context
of the workflow (Create the dependency property for workflow context). We need
to override the “Execute” method to execute the code.
The code for Execute () goes here.
/// <summary>
/// Write the actual code to be executed here.
/// </summary>
Protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(ActivityExecutionContext
//Write the code here that is to be executed by activity.
//Ex: Update the item title
SPWeb web=__Context.Web;
string listID= __ListId;
int itemID = __ListItem;
SPList lstDemo = web.Lists[new Guid(listID)];
SPListItem lstItemDemo = lstDemo.GetItemById(itemID);
if (lstDemo.Fields.ContainsField(“Title”))
lstItemDemo[“Title”] = “Demo Activity executed”;
return base.Execute(executionContext);
Add WSS.actions file
Now we need to create the action file for the activity. Right
click on the project and click on the add button and then select the “SharePoint
Mapped Folder” which maps to workflow folder as shown below:
Now right click on the workflow folder and then add the new text
file. Rename the text file with .actions extension.
Add the following code in the file and save it.
<? xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
<WorkflowInfo Language=”en-us”>
<Actions Sequential=”then” Parallel=”and”>
<RuleDesigner Sentence=”Run action %1″>
<FieldBind Id=”1″ Function=”true”/>
<Action Name=”UpdateItem” ClassName= ” My_CustomActivity.CustomWFAction”
Assembly=” IBSP_CustomActivity, Version=,
Culture=neutral, publicKeyToken = 87cb7fe4b26ece9b” Category=”SharePoint 2010
Actions” AppliesTo=”all” UsesCurrentItem=”true”>
<RuleDesigner Sentence=”Perform demo action”>
<Parameter Name=”__Context”
Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowActions” Direction=”In”/>
<Parameter Name=”__ListId” Type=”System.String, mscorlib”
Direction=”In” />
<Parameter Name=”__ListItem” Type=”System.Int32, mscorlib”
Direction=”In” />
Deploy Custom Workflow Action
Now we have workflow activity ready with us. We now need to
deploy this activity and use this activity using SharePoint Designer. Update
the web.config file on the Site virtual directory folder where we need
to create the workflow. Go to the
“C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80” location and open the web.config
file. Made the following entry to under the “<authorizedRuleTypes>”
<authorizedType Assembly=”System.Core, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089″
Namespace=”System.Runtime.CompilerServices” TypeName=”ExtensionAttribute”
Authorized=”True” />
If you do not register it in web.config file, the action
will be visible in workflow actions menu of SharePoint designer but will not
get inserted into actual workflow. Restart the IIS after this step. Now Open
the SharePoint designer 2010 and open the site where you want to create the
workflow. Click on the “Workflows” from the left navigation bar and create the
list workflow. Provide the Name and Description of the workflow. Then click on
the action menu and now you will see the custom action under the “SharePoint
2010” group that we have created. Select the action and then publish the
Happy learning. J Have
a great day.
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